Thursday, July 28, 2011

National Trails Day Event

Local groups hosted
National Trails Day
Trail Awareness Event

The Henry County Park District, The Buckeye Trail Association, and The Maumee Valley Heritage Corridor hosted an American Hiking Society's National Trails Day - Trail Awareness Event. The event was held on Saturday, June 4, 2011 at the Wayne Park Shelter House in Napoleon, Ohio. Volunteers from all the groups were on hand to answer questions, provide information, and to act as trail guides to the hikers who attended the event. Special Thanks to The Henry County Transportation Network, who shuttled small groups of hikers out to the trail so they could hike back to the shelter house. Some took a brief 1 mile hike, while others took a longer 5 mile hike. Also a special thanks to the Local Boy Scouts who were on hand preparing and selling lunch treats to all ! Thanks to all who supported National Trails Day in Henry County, Ohio! (Photos Provided by Jim Rebar- Thanks, Jim!)