Spring Has Sprung!!
As the days begin to get a little longer, and the frigid winter air finally begins to wane, its hard not to notice the bright and cheerful Daffodils. Their jubilance and bright yellow colors dance upon the spring breezes that frequent the Northwest Ohio River Region. The emergence of these triumphant and colorful beauties makes a bold statement that despite the lingering chill in the air, Spring is finally here!!! While walking along West Riverview Avenue in Napoleon, I couldn't help but notice all the Delights of the Daffodils in many yards of the quaint houses along the avenue. So many places I looked, I noticed these bright and bold beauties. They are a sign of the parade of colors yet to come, as spring begins to unfold after a long cold and dark winter!! I also walked along Clinton and Webster Streets in Napoleon, by the Henry County Historical Society's beautifully restored Doctor John Bloomfield Home. The entire length of the sidewalk was lined with these darling daffodils. Its worth the trip just to enjoy all the beautiful color.