How many pigs can you fit inside a Wildcat? …the
answer: 26 (Give or take a few)
And that number gets bigger and bigger as we have
concluded yet another successful finger lickin’ evening. What are we even
talking about here? We are talking about the Henry County Ribfest. The Ribfest
takes place in the crossroads of downtown Napoleon; West Washington and Perry
St. This is the same intersection that has become the canvas for a giant
Wildcat Mascot that is painted on the asphalt.
I know, this sounds like an interesting event; you
bet! My husband and youngest son
ventured on down to get our “grub” on. There were 13 different rib vendors and
the pressure was on to find the perfect rib. We couldn’t lose no matter where
we visited. Because, every vendor was a not for profit organization that got to
keep one hundred percent of their earned proceeds for the evening. Some smoked
their ribs while others grilled them. There were all sorts of preparations
happening…for the love of pork!
So you don’t like ribs, no worries, there were
pulled pork sandwiches, french fries and ice cream. Perhaps, you wanted to come
for the suds. Not soap, but an ice cold beer. No matter what your flavor was
you would be sure to fill your belly.
And for dessert you would find your way to the south end of the venue
and be entertained by live music by the Menus. The band played for hours while
the lead singer kept us anticipating the next song or “creative” costume.
Needless to say, every boy and girl, young and old
experienced a fun filled evening. They
were laughing, singing, dancing and sending their pallets into sensory
overload. Yes, it was as much fun as it sounds and I can’t wait to do it all
over again; next June!
Article and photos submitted by Teresa Hillis